Q-Garden Multi-Purpose Screening
£11.95 – £14.29
Q-Garden multi-purpose screening is a versatile garden product that can be used as conventional trellising, screening or panelling, (i.e. for privacy, shade, or to fill voids under decks) or as a balustrade infill.
It comes as long length laths that can be cut to the desired size. The closer adjacent laths are fitted to one another the greater the degree of privacy. It is machined from slow grown and carefully selected Scandinavian softwood and comes with a 15 year product treatment warranty.
Lengths: 3.6m or 3.9m
All product photographs and images are for illustration purpose only. Prices include VAT. If you are purchasing Timber, as this is a natural product which is affected by temperature and moisture, it can expand, fade, warp, crack or split. This will not diminish the overall quality of the products supplied, and is not a default in manufacturing processes.
All prices include VAT